Any of this sound familiar?
Your people are always pushing your buttons and you just wish life wasn't so triggering.
You know you inner work to do and "sh*t to heal" but that sounds like a lot of work you don't have time or energy for.
Maybe you’ve on the healing journey for a while and tired of it feeling like such a grind, in fact of all life is kind of feeling like a grind.
Or perhaps you have tried so many things, and all the doctors and therapies and it’s helped in the short term but nothing seems to stick.
Your overwhelmed + exhausted from all this trying to “fix” yourself while everyone else is after you to fix their problems.
Not to mention seriously though, our schedules are so jam packed, who even has time for this anyways?
OMG do I feel you.
Let me tell you just a tiny bit about why…
I've been on a conscious healing journey for 12 years...
well, longer really but...
This deep intense phase was activated on by an intense spiritual awakening I had as I became a wife and mother.
I had reconnected with my high school boyfriend in a whirlwind of synchronicity after 12 years apart and we had fallen back in love over text message and a couple of visits - how romantic right?
I really was, and I knew in my heart it was right so I took a big leap and moved across the country to be with him leaving everything I was building in life behind including my work in the physical fitness field that I loved so much and promptly got pregnant.
Shortly after our first child was born and just a few months before our wedding, a conversation where I shared my aspirations to take my skillset to an online business was not well received to say the least.
It was an argument that I stuffed away but created a huge subconscious blow to my sense of safety and activated a ton of trauma.
But I also knew I was being offered a reflection of my inner darkness, and that there was a chance if I choose to heal my stuff it would fix the rupture I felt between us.
In fact I felt confident that this was part of my soul’s mission to figure it out.
So in my I’m gonna keep this pain inside as best I can and try to fix it all myself (with my oldest child of five vibe) I decided to take it on because I knew that it wasn’t something my partner was ready to dive into but also if I didn’t do it, my entire family would suffer and I would be forever miserable having never followed such a deep soul aligned calling to put myself out into the world in the ways I was truly terrified to do.
Eventually I realized I did need help.
And moreover, that I deserved it...
But when I made that choice I never thought it would lead to me spending tens of thousands of dollars on coaching, courses, masterminds and programming that while gifting me amazing insights, support, encouragement, understanding and such an expanded skillset, would also eventually leave me feeling more confused than ever.
Because while incrementally things got better on the relationship and parenting front, I was still struggling with deep anger, resentment and a lot of extra pressure and stress because things weren’t clicking, I was quite frankly exhausted by all this work leaning into my discomforts and triggers, and I had so much debt from my frantic search for answers…
And after 12 years of all that searching and learning and growing through sacred portal of motherhood to 3 amazing boys and marriage to a soul mate who would illuminate all of shit because that’s what soul mate’s do so often, I finally realized why things had felt so impossibly hard and started to figure out how to turn them around and this is what I’m sharing inside HEAL.
First of all, the truth is that to HEAL is to REMEMBER ourselves as WHOLE(holy) and perfect as we are AND that we are meant to be SOVEREIGN even within our relationships.
Meaning that we get to connect with our fellow humans and support and reflect back to each other in ways we don’t always understand.
And that personal power get’s to come through through our unique connection to Source/GOD+GODDESS/Universe/Creator, along with the understanding of how we get to this energy supports and heals when we plug into it and harness it’s power.
5 CHANNELED TRANSMISSIONS FROM SCIENCE + SPIRIT to help you remember your Divine Design as your own greatest healer, guru and intuitive guide.
AWESOMELY SIMPLE + POWERFUL ACCOMPANYING PRACTICES TO TO ACTIVATE SELF HEALING in particular via harmonization of your energy field through multiple magical modalities including the breath, movement + sound.
4 MONTH MEMBERSHIP TO THE HEAL PROGRAM COMMUNITY while you receive, learn and expand the tools in your own unique way at your own pace.
(LIVE + REPLAY) ACCESS TO MONTHLY HEALING CIRCLES facilitated by Becca Campbell within the HEAL community space.
What people are saying...
“This work has helped me to understand the connection between my body, mind, emotions and spirit in such a way that I have become so much more aware of my thoughts, connected to my physical and emotional needs and desires, and capable of following through on showing up for myself and asking for help when needed.. This has been such a journey for me but things are finally clicking and my life is expanding in every way as a result! So grateful I decided to explore this work!”
HEAL - Foundations for Self Healing For Intuitive Self Care
is here to help unlock the full spectrum of the magic medicine that lives inside you...
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